Thursday, March 8, 2012

Blogging: What the Heck Is It?

I've been thinking about blogging a lot lately- the nature of it and what it is really about. I've been a big fan of a funny, fantastic blog for a long time, but in the last few months it has turned the narcissistic rant of someone telling its readers how to think. It isn't the first blog that I've seen go in that direction. Getting popular and gaining legions of followers can give bloggers a sense of importance that I frankly hate to see. I think that becoming popular destroys a blog, and I started to wonder whether blogging is nothing more than a narcissistic enterprise.

I actually started this blog because I was doing a lot of guest blogging a few years ago and I wanted some sample blog posts to show to potential clients. It worked pretty well, but I found that I liked blogging for myself so much that I soon made it for myself. It was my place to talk about whatever the heck I wanted to. It isn't SEO'd or marketed. It isn't what the client expects or what will sell a product. It's just me.

It's the tornadoes that I saw last Friday, a day that crushed me utterly. If you've never watched a relatively big tornado pass about two miles from your house, you might not think it's a big deal. But the fact is, it changes you. At least, it changed me. Since last April when I watched an EF-4 pass by, I haven't taken much for granted. Seeing what I think was an EF-3 a few days ago really, really bothered me. Luckily, I have a manuscript that I can channel all of it into. I've created someone who can fight against the elements. Since last April's tornado terror, it feels like the sky is trying its best to kill me. But, my heroine can fight against such things, even if I can't. Channelling your feelings into your work is the only real reason to write, in my opinion.

Have you ever heard someone say that they want to write but they don't know what to write about? I can't fathom such a thought. My feeling has always been that I have to write because I have to channel feelings into something constructive. Most blogs update twice a week or so. But, do they really have anything to say? My posts may be erratic, but I can't post unless I actually have something to say. I guess what I have to say right now is that any day that you don't see this from your living room window is a good day:


Silky @Silky said...

I was just curious, do bloggers make money from blogging, or is it just something they do for enjoyment or interest?

L. Shepherd said...

Some people do make money at it. Some people are able to make a living at it. Making money with a blog, though, requires a lot of promotion to build up a readership, and it can take a lot of time to do that. There is a lot of money to be made from blogging, but I find that blogs that seize their popularity to make money go downhill in quality pretty much immediately.

Spiritual Movies said...

Blogging is very versatile. It can help many individuals earn at the comfort of home but for the blog to stay long in the business bloggers must always make sure that the blog post are really of good quality so that readers will keep coming back and read your post.

L. Shepherd said...

I'll go ahead and let you keep the link. However, it might be a good idea for you to actually read a blog post before writing a buffoonish comment like this. Most bloggers would have deleted your comment immediately.